1. “Representation and Reality: Media Influences on Japanese Attitudes towards China,” ICJS 2018: 20th International Conference on Japanese Studies, Kyoto, pp. 944, 15-16 Nov 2018.
2. “The Impact of Kurosawa Akira on Hong Kong Film Directors,” read at The Asian Conference on Media, Communication and Film 2018, in Tokyo, 9-11 October 2018.
3. “Drawing Chinese Political Cartoons in Japan: Blessing in Disguise or Trade-off,” read at International workshop on Transnational Cultural Flows, Diaspora and Identity in Asian Comics, CUHK, 12 May 2018.
4. “The Role of Hong Kong-Style Yumcha in Culinary Tourism in Japan,” read at 21th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference at J.F. Oberlin University, Japan, 25-27 November 2017.
5. “Hong Kong Cuisine in Japanese Imagination,” read at 13th International Conference on Social Sciences, at Vienna University, 6-7 October 2017.
6. “The Impact of Japan on Hong Kong Music Industry,” read at the 6th International Conference on Social Sciences and Business, Okinawa, 25-27 July 2017.
7. “Remaking the Chinese History of the Three Kingdoms in Modern Japanese Novels,” read at 4th International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (ICHSSE-17), Dubai, on 10-11 May 2017.
8. “A Study of the Rise of Hongkong-Style Cafe in Japan,” read at 2016 International Conference on Social Science and Business, August 25-27 2016 Tokyo, Japan.
9. “Cultural Imagination of Hong Kong in Japanese Popular Culture,” read at 2016 International Conference on Management and Social Science, 14-15 August 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
10. “The Images of Hong Kong in Japanese Video Games,” read at International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Science and Humanities 2016, 25-26 July 2016, Singapore.
11. “The Popularization and Localization of Hong Kong Cuisine in Japan,”, read at 2016 International Symposium on Economics and Social Sciences, 12-14 July 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
12. “日本流行文化在3.11事件後呈現的絆及自肅現象初探” (The Japanese Pop Culture’s Response to the Earthquake in Eastern Japan: An Initial Analysis on kizuna and jishuku), The 25th International Conference at the Center for Japanese Studies of Fudan University, 7-8 November 2015, Shanghai, China.
13. “The Making of Hong Kong Cuisine in Modern Japan: A Historical Overview,” read at 2015 Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, 18-20 October 2015, Honolulu, USA. (CUHK conference grant)
14. “Imagining and Inventing Hong Kong Delicacies in Contemporary Japan,” read at The International Education and Teaching Research Conference at the University of London, 3-6 August 2015.
15. “Running Hong Kong Restaurants in Contemporary Japan,” read at 2015 International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Management (IACSSM) in Okinawa, Japan, 29-31 July 2015.
16. “Remaking Hong Kong Dimsum in Yokohama and Kobe Chinatowns for Domestic Tourism,” read at The 3rd International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure, Sports, and Tourism at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 22-24 July 2015.
17. “A Cultural Analysis of Japanese Cuisine in Hong Kong: Cultural Imperialism? Glocalization? Hybridization?” read at The 13th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, 28-31 May 2014.
18. “香港における日本映画の受容と評価: その推移を考える” (The Acceptance and Reception of Japanese Films in Hong Kong: Tracing the Change), Conference on Japanese Cinema and Its Historical and Sociological Studies, organized by Studies in Theatre and Film Arts, Waseda University, Japan, 9-10 November 2013. [By Invitation]
1. “擁抱文化系列: 新日系生活” (The Culture Series: New Japanese Lifestyle), Salon 11, organized by Kulture11, 15 June 2019. [By Invitation]
3. “Dialogue on the Chinese translation of Murakami Haruki’s novels with Lai Ming-chu,” the 4th I-Care Book Festival, organized by the I‧CARE Center for Whole-person Development, CUHK, 12 March 2019.
4. “Drawing Chinese Political Cartoons in Japan: Blessing in Disguise or Trade-off,” International Workshop on “Transnational Cultural Flows, Diaspora and Identity in Asian Comics,” organized by Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK, 12 May 2018.
5. “Representation of the Second World War in Japanese, Chinese and American Movies during the 1990s and 2000s,” Workshop on Theory of Image Analysis: Representation of East Asian Cinema, organized by Department of Culture and Representation, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 12 June 2015. [By Invitation]
6. “Tokyo Trial as New Battlefield: Tojo Hideki and Mei Ruao’s Missions in the Film Versions of the Trial,” Workshop on Sino-Japanese Relationships as Seen through Japanese and Chinese Media during the Postwar 70 Years, organized by Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK, pp. 1-17, 6 June 2015.