
Prof. Benjamin Wai-ming NG

Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2015, 225 pages.
Japanese Popular Culture and Hong Kong: History, Local Consumption, Cultural Imagination and Interaction

Twenty-First Century, vol. 152 (December, 2015): 101-112.
Food Localization: Hong Kong-style Yumcha in Japan

Japan and Southeast Asia: Continuity and Change in Modern Times, See-heng Teow, etal. eds., pp. 79-92, Manila: Ateneo De Manila University, 2014.
A comparative study of Japanese cultural policies in Hong Kong and Singapore during the Occupation period, 1942-1945

International Journal of Comic Art (20:2, Winter 2018 issue): 110-127.
Drawing Chinese Political Cartoons in Japan: Blessing in Disguise or Trade-off

Asian Culture (A Journal of the Singapore Society of Asian Studies), vol. 39 (August, 2015): 60-71.
The Japanese Pop Culture’s Response to the Earthquake in Eastern Japan: An Analysis on kizuna and jishuku from the Perspective of Intellectual History

《在日本尋找中國:現代性及身份認同的中日互動》(Searching China in Japan: China-Japan Interactions in Modernity and Identity), Ng Wai-ming, Benjamin, ed., pp. 93-112, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2013.
Japanese Popular Culture Changes the History of China's Three Kingdoms

New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 19 (June 2017): 77-92.
The Historical Reception of Hong Kong-Style Yumcha in Yokohama and Kobe Chinatowns

Mark Wolf, ed., pp. 207-18, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2015.
Hong Kong
Book chapter in Video Games around the World

Prof. Kinnia Shuk-ting YAU

《中日韓三國之融合與分歧》(Convergences and Divergences among China, Japan and Korea), Kam-wah Siu, ed., pp. 163-190, Hong Kong: Cosmos Books Ltd, 2017 [Chinese]
Transformation and Political Metaphor of Chinese-Japanese-Korean Transnational Romantic Movies

Natural Disaster and Reconstruction in Asian Economies: A Global Synthesis of Shared Experiences, Yau Shuk-ting, Kinnia, ed., pp. 111-125, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 [English]
Searching Reality in Virtuality: Fantasy as a Way Out for Twenty-First-Century Japan

Hong Kong and Bollywood: Globalization of Asian Cinemas, Joseph Tse-hei Lee, Satish Kolluri, eds., pp. 51-68, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 [English]
Transformation of Hong Kong Gangster Movies Before and After CEPA

Golden Harvest: Leading Changes in Changing Time, Po Fung & Lau Yam, eds., pp. 62-69, Hong Kong: The Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 2013 [Chinese]
From Shaw Brothers to Golden Harvest: Raymond Chow and Japan

Imagining Japan in Post-war East Asia: Identity Politics, Schooling and Popular Culture, Paul Morris, Naoko Shimazu & Edward Vickers, eds., pp. 68-84, London & New York: Routledge, 2013 [English]