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Public Lecture Series

On Japan-Hong Kong Cultural Exchange

Organized by the Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK


Stories for the Nation: Rewriting History in Manga

24 January 2019


The Multiple Dimensions of Transnationalism and Asian Comic Art

12 May 2018


Beyond Sushi and Anime: Contextualizing Motivations for Learning Japanese in Hong Kong

27 September 2017

Other Public Lectures

1. “Japanese Cinema and Its reception in Hong Kong in the 21st century,” organized by Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University, Boston, 6 February 2019.

2. “The Localization of Chinese Characters in Japan,” Invited public lecture at the University of Tokyo, 16 November 2018.

3. “China-Japan Relations as Seen through Films and Other Media,” organized by Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan, 22 June 2018

4. “Inventing and Imagining Hong Kong Cuisine in Contemporary Japan,” organized by Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 3 November 2017.

5. 近現代中日愛情題材電影文化” (Romantic Film Culture in Chinese and Japanese Modern History), co-organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Cosmos Books Ltd., 25 February 2017.

6. “A Comparative Study of Yamcha in Japan and Hong Kong,” presented at Forum for The Asian Forum of Japanese Studies in Prestigious Asian Universities, 11-12 November 2015.

7. “日本流行文化與香港懷舊情懷” (Japanese Popular Culture and Hong Kong Nostalgia), at Commercial Press, Tsim Sha Tsui, 26 September 2015.

8. “The History and Impact of Japanese manga and anime in Hong Kong,” Department of Japanese Studies, University of Hong Kong, 24 April 2015.

9. 港日料理文化對對碰” (Hong Kong and Japanese Culinary Cultures), co-organized by the Hong Kong Public Libraries, Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Central Library, 2 December 2014.

10. “香港における日本研究の過去、現在、未來” (The Past, Present and Future of Japanese Studies in Hong Kong), the Asian Forum for Leaders of Japanese Studies, Kobe University, Japan, 1 November 2013.

Talks in Hong Kong Secondary Schools



9 March 2018         

18 March 2018       

9 October 2015          

17 October 2014        

3 October 2014        

11 February 2014

5 February 2013



Evangel College

Evangel College  

Evangel College  

Evangel College  

Evangel College

SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School

Law Ting Pong Secondary School



Between Popular Culture and History Education


How Japanese Pop Culture Redefine WW2

Between Popular Culture and History Education

How Japan Popular Culture Reforms Chinese Cultural Tradition

How Japan Popular Culture Reforms Chinese Cultural Tradition


Popular Culture and Youth Growth and Development

How Japanese Popular Culture Reforms Chinese Cultural Traditions


The Department of Japanese Studies offers a comprehensive programme providing undergraduate and postgraduate training in Japanese studies and language. Our programme explores Japan through multiple disciplinary fields including anthropology, cultural history, film studies, international relations, linguistics, popular culture studies and sociology.


T: 852-3943-6563

F: 852-2603-5118


© 2019 Department of Japanese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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